So, the reader still has to do some figgerin' to work out the order of the panels, but this is the earliest strip that I look back at and really like the gag. I even printed part of this strip on a shirt to make people squint and frown at my chest.
Pic Shaws began as cartoon notes to mrs. a-go-go and grew from there. I haven't posted the very earliest ones as they wouldn't make very much sense to anyone else. Some of the other early strips (this one for example) I fear won't make much sense either. What's in my head sometimes didn't make it onto paper very clearly. I hope that over time I have become more skilled at making strips that aren't so obscure while keeping some room for interpretation.
also known as Spz or mr. a-go-go. I make tin can istruments, spazimal stuffed toys, automata gizmos, and cartoons too. I used to work for an encyclopedic art museum where I moved art all day. Now after making the Big Trip with mrs. a-go-go and getting out of Los Angeles I am working my way back to having time for all these idiot projects.
All these cartoon strips and characters have been registered for copyright. Please do not use the content I have slaved over with out asking. Post a comment if you are interested. I'm always looking for places to publish.